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JL Services FAQ's

Below is a list of all of our frequently asked questions related to our services and answers to those questions. If you don't find the question you wanted to ask or any of these answer are unsatisfactory, feel free to contact us through the button on the menu.​

Are estimates free?

Most of our services that have been listed on this website had a fixed price, however, we can offer you free estimates for items and services not listed. We will review your request and give you an estimate for the service you requested.

Do I need to purchase items on my own?

Yes, for most of our services we offer, especially assembling and handyman services, you should have bought or had the item. For more information or detailed info, please file out the Contact Us form or check our specific services to see more.

Do we charge by the hour or by the job?

We mostly charge by the hour for either handyman services ($75/hr) with the minimum for a service is 2 hours. However you can contact us for more additional information regarding individual pricing or other questions.

How can I pay for services?

You can pay through this website, which is run by Square and support all type of cards and Paypal. We accept all type of card and virtual cards such as Apple Pay, Google Wallet.

What are your hours during COVID-19?

Currently, we are allowed to be open during the state-mandated quarantine. Our hours are as usual: from 9 AM to 6 PM, Monday to Saturday.

What are ours cancellation policies?

We offer full refunds for appointments that are cancelled before at least a few hours before the start of the appointment. However, please contact us for any cancellation or edit appointment as we will work with you to suit your time better.

JL Handyservices | Last Updated September 2023

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